Sunday, September 11, 2011


I created this blog last night after reading "The Handmaid's Tale" in Senior Honors English. That memory feels so long ago, but I still remember my first day. It feels like another century ago, not just three months of the summer. I can't believe were the time had gone, for some reason I feel that I was much more innocent and young.

I still remember the day of 9/11 and how beautiful the day was, before the attack. It will be permantly imprinted in my brain, in my memory. I can recall that day as if it was yesterday, including all the pain, confusion, and fear to follow. I remember seeing the black clouds in the sky for days after....I remember thinking in my third grade classroom, why does the teacher want all the kids whose parents work in New York to go to the principal's office? Why were those buildings so important, what is going on, why is everyone so scared, why are those people jumping out of those buildings...because they know they are going to die. I was awed, I was frightened, and then everything changed. Security became tighter EVERYWHERE and since then, it has never released. People have to be more careful, and unattended luggage is suspicious.

I rememeber at the end of that day my dance teacher sitting us all down in the corner of the room and asking, "do you know what happened today?" "A lot of kids like you lost a parent today, and some even lost two." I remember coming home from dance, coming up over the last hill and seeing th sunset...on one of the most saddest days of my life.

The news reels, the continued news reels showing it over and over as if answers would finally appear. And then came the last phone calls, haunting, truly haunting. And then pedestrian video tapes, and the search for missing people. For years after they would recover more and more bodies.

I pray for all the victims of 9/11 and their loved ones. I pray for all those brave people trying to get others out of the towers as they put themselves in danger. And I pray for all those people present during the attack who now have horrible diseases because they breathed in that awful smoke.

Ten years, and I am older, wiser and in college. Those people wanted to break Americans spirits but everyone of us are here to prove that Americans are strong. We soldier on.

God Bless America