Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Photography Project:Motion

I had a photography project due today. The project: motion. We had to take a picture of panning, where the subject is blurry, and there is a horizontal blurr in the background.

Then I had to take a picture of stop motion, where the background is clear, and the subject is clear and stopped in motion.

The last form of motion, is when the background is clear, but the subject is blurry.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I found the MOST amazing blog today!
Go check it out!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Don't you love sidewalks?
I always wonder about all the people who have walked on them.
What were they doing? Where were they going?
Were they good people?
I also always wonder about the land, before the sidewalk was built.
Had the land around it been a farm? Or was it a forest?

A sidewalk is very much like a palimpsest,
if let alone, nature would take over. Weeds would grow through the cracks, and grass would consume the pavement. Within ten years, the cement would be completely hidden under earth and brush.
What a wonderful thing nature is, palimpsest.

Deep in thought,

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What is Palimpsest?

What is Palimspsest?
It is an old document with writing removed, then written on again.